Washington County Sheriff's Office

The City of Banks has contracted with the Washington County Sheriff for Police Services.

The Washington County Sheriff's Office has assigned Deputy Frank Ward & Deputy Ryan Pope to the City of Banks. 

Emergencies: 911

Non-Emergencies: 503-629-0111

Calls are given to the Deputy on duty at the time.


Alarm Permit Information

Alarm system permits obtain a property owner’s “protective-sweep designation”.  This designation lets deputies know what they can do when responding to an alarm call at someone’s property.

Example: A Deputy responds to an alarm call at a house or business and the door is ajar.  Given prior consent to a protective-sweep, a deputy is able to enter the property and look for intruders.  Otherwise, the deputy is not able to enter the property without obtaining a warrant or having a warrant exception allowed by law.

An alarm ordinance helps reduce false alarms.  Since most activations are false, an alarm ordinance with a progressive system of false alarm fines encourages alarm users to keep their alarm equipment in good working order, and to ensure all occupants know how to properly operate the alarm.

For more information on an Alarm Permit Application, please contact the Washington County Sheriff’s Office Alarm Permit Unit at (503)846-2519 or by going to the Washington County Sheriff’s Office Website http://www.co.washington.or.us/Sheriff/OtherServices/AlarmPermits/.

The annual permit fee for operating an alarm system is $20. If you live in the City of Banks and are an alarm user, you can apply for your permit by mail or online:

  • Apply by Mail. Fill out the Alarm Permit Registration Form, print it, and submit it either by mail or in person along with a check or money order payable to Washington County Sheriff's Office for your first year's fee of $20.  The mailing address is provided on the application form.  -or-
  • Online Payments. You can register online using our secure website at the link below which will also allow you to pay the $20 alarm permit fee by either credit card or e-check. https://ecomm.co.washington.or.us/Crywolf_Online/ (Note: the link is case sensitive, and there is an underscore ( _ ) between Crywolf and Online)

If you have questions, please call the Alarm Permit Unit at (503) 846-2519, or you can e-mail wcsoalarms@co.washington.or.us