Planning Services


The mission of the Planning & Zoning Department is to promote and guide land and economic development and a sense of community, and provide urban services that are well planned, built and maintained.

We commit that our service is consistent with public standards for health, safety, livability, sustainability and general welfare of the inhabitants of Banks, helpful, fair, efficient and effective, and cooperative with residents, business and neighboring jurisdictions.

Review of all land use applications. Maintaining, updating, and implementing the Comprehensive Plan and Development Code. Providing support to the Planning Commission and the City Council.

Person filling out form

Permits, Licenses and Forms

Find all of the city permit applications, license application, and miscellaneous application
and forms.
Stack of bound documents

Master Plans, Reports, Plans and Documents & Maps

View City Master Plans, Reports, Plans, Documents & Maps.
Complete Stamp

Completed Planning Applications

View completed Planning Applications.
Pending Thought Bubbble

Current and Pending Planning Applications

View current and pending Planning Applications.
Fence as boundary

Urban Growth Boundary

Urban Growth Boundary information.
Open Field

Property Annexation

Information on the process for property annexation.