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OR 47: Banks ADA Curb Ramps Constructing in 2026

Whether you drive, ride, walk or roll, we're committed to providing the best accessibility possible to all people using the transportation system.

One of the ways we're doing this is by bringing curb ramps along our highways to current American with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility standards.

As part of this effort, we're looking at about 29 existing curb ramps along OR 47 in Banks to review if they need to be updated or rebuilt.

Visit the project webpage to learn more. Please share this email with your friends, family, neighbors, coworkers and anyone else you think may need to know about construction in the area and encourage them to sign up to receive Banks, Forest Grove and Gaston areas updates!

Access for pedestrians, including those with disabilities, will be available through or around work zones.

OR 6 and Aerts Road Instersection in Banks - Survey

ODOT is working with the City of Banks and Washington County to improve safety and address future traffic needs at the OR 6 and NW Aerts Road intersection in Banks.

Learn more about why we're planning this work in our last email update – don't forget, we plan to start construction in 2025. 

Haven't filled out our survey yet? Why not do it now!?

Your feedback is an important part of this process. We want to know if you have any comments, questions or if there are other considerations you'd like us to keep in mind while designing this intersection.

Please fill out our OR 6 Aerts Road Roundabout form and let us know your thoughts!
View the project webpage to learn more.


2024 City of Banks Arbor Day Tree Planting Event

Mayor Stephanie Jones stopped by Greenville City Park on Thursday, November 14, 2024 to admire the Arbor Day tree that was planted as part of the City's annual celebration of trees. The tree is a "Redmond" Lindon, and should provide the community shade and enjoyment for years to come.

UPDATE: Greenville City Park Parcourse

Thanks to Phil for doing the sitework, Jackson Industries for doing the concrete perimeter, and Five Star for installing the equipment, the parcourse project is nearing completion.
The Rural Ramblers raised approximately $30,000 through grants and donations to purchase the equipment and surfacing.
The surfacing is awaiting the right weather conditions.
The Rural Ramblers will have a sign designed and installed once all other expenses are known. They will also be hosting a celebration to thank donors and introduce the parcourse to the community.
A huge thanks also goes to Public Works Supervisor Conner Hayes, for coordinating the contractors and keeping tabs on the status of the work.
Thank you,
The Rural Ramblers & The City of Banks

OHA Service Line Inventory Completed

The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) has asked all public water systems to complete a Service Line Inventory, to help identify, and replace any lead service lines still used in Oregon.


The City of Banks has completed and submitted our Service Line Inventory to the OHA.


We found all service lines to be non-lead material. We gathered this data by excavating the service lines at meter boxes.


If you have questions, please feel free to give us a call.

Upcoming Street Repairs on NW Woodman Avenue

Woodman Ave. Residents, 

The City of Banks has contacted the Contractor responsible for the waterline, and pavement improvements project, regarding ponding in driveways along Woodman Ave.

The Contractors have agreed to remedy the situation, by using a method that requires no excavation, or cutting of the asphalt. They do however need a dry day to complete the work.

We do not have a set day for the work to be completed, but the contractor will give us as much notice as he can, with the weather patterns in mind. When that happens, we will knock on doors, or leave door posts with that information. This may be as little as a few hours notice if the weather is unpredictable. We are hoping for the first week of November to have nice enough weather so they can complete the work.

The repair shouldn’t take more than a few hours, so disruptions should be light.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact our office at 503-324-5112.

Thank you for your patience on this project.