
City Council Meeting & Work Session ***HYBRID MEETING***


Use the ZOOM App on your electronic device and the link below to join the webinar:


If using phone only (no internet) call 1-253-215-8782

Webinar ID: 899 8557 5148

Passcode: 107069


APPEARANCE OF INTERESTED CITIZENS This is the time for interested citizens and anyone in the audience to address the City Council on any items of concern, except items that are part of the Public Hearing. If you wish to address the City Council, please complete a registration card, and give it to the City Recorder, and we ask that you only sign in once. When your name is called, please come up to the table in front of us and start with your name and city. Please limit your comments to 3 minutes.  If you are wanting to address the council virtually, please send an email to the City Recorder at alanter@cityofbanks.org to let them know you wish to address the City Council, and the topic on which you wish to speak. The City Recorder will send you a confirmation email.   The Mayor and City Council will not be responding to specific comments during the meeting. The purpose of the public comment period is for the public to inform the Council about their views. The City Manager may direct staff to follow up with you regarding your comment or questions. Written comments are always welcome and can be emailed to the City Recorder at alanter@cityofbanks.org.


PUBLIC HEARING To provide public testimony during the hearing, you may testify in person or via Zoom. If you would like to testify in person, please complete a sign in card and give it to the City Recorder prior to the start of the meeting. If you would like to testify virtually, please email alanter@cityofbanks.org at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. After submission of your email, you will receive a confirmation email. Or, you may call City Recorder/Assistant City Manager Angie Lanter at 503-324-5112, to register to provide testimony in-person or Zoom.  Please call at least 24 hours prior to the public hearing. Written comments are always welcome, and can be emailed to the City Recorder at alanter@cityofbanks.org