
Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide efficient, professional service to the City's customers, other City Departments, and the City's governing body while maintaining a healthy work environment. 

General Information
The Finance Department provides financial support services for all of the City, including budgets, accounts payable, payroll and human resources, accounts receivables, and utility processes, as well as maintaining the financial records of the City.

Person Filling out Form

Permits, Licenses and Forms

City permit applications, license applications, and miscellaneous applications
and forms.
Stack of Bound Documents

Master Plans, Reports, Plans, Documents & Maps

View City Master Plans, Reports, Plans, Documents & Maps.
Blue binder with audit on it


Annual Fiscal Year Audit Reports for the
City of Banks.
budget documents with calculator and magnifying glass

Budget Documents

Annual Budget documents for the City of Banks and the Banks Urban Renewal Agency.